Customer Success Rep Estimated: $36.3K – $78.6K a year. The role is a remote, full-time Tier 2 Customer Success position at a healthcare technology ...
Customer Service Associate The position offers a competitive salary range of $45,000 – $60,000 along with comprehensive benefits including healthcare plans, paid time off, ...
Customer Support Specialist Estimated: $46.1K – $55K a year. This remote customer support specialist role offers comprehensive benefits including medical, dental, vision, and life ...
Data Entry Specialist This remote Data Entry Specialist position offers comprehensive compensation including an hourly rate of $19.00 – $25.00, along with an extensive ...
Customer Service Representative $21.77 an hour. The role offers comprehensive health benefits, competitive pay, paid time off, and a remote work environment. Training and ...
Customer Service Representative This full-time, remote customer service position offers competitive compensation ranging from $20-$27 per hour, along with comprehensive health benefits, paid time ...
Customer Support Representative This position offers hourly compensation between $15-20, complemented by a comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental, and vision coverage, a 401k ...
Customer Service Representative Estimated $40K a year. The remote customer service position offers comprehensive benefits including health, vision, and dental insurance, life and AD&D ...
Client Support Specialist This remote position offers a base salary of $42,000-$45,000 along with comprehensive benefits including medical, dental, vision coverage, unlimited paid time ...
Customer Operations Service Specialist The position offers a base salary range of $72,000 – $108,000 annually, along with comprehensive benefits including medical, dental, vision ...